Monday 11 July 2011

Taking apart our Hard-drive

This is our(Josh,Finn) little movie about taking apart a hard-drive.Mr. P gave us special tool's for opening the hard-drive. In the hard-drive we found very strong magnets, and we also found a little disc that spins very easily.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Which band is the best???

                                                     Which band is the best write your comment.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Own Experience

In Warrinton school I am building a balloon lantern that can fly up in the air.

First 1.You make a metal hope that can go on to the balloon.
         2.You take a normal balloon and fill it with air.
         3.You glue tissue paper onto it and let it dry out.
         4.Then you pop the balloon in the middle so it's free in side the tissue paper balloon.

Monday 6 June 2011

Making wood sticks

In Warrington school we(room1) work on a project called "Making rakau sticks like in stone age".

Step 1.We walked down the paddock to cut two sticks out of the a long wood stick.We used a pruning saw for it.

Step 2. We (Indy and I) ran back up and made our rakau sticks pretty.

Step 3.And we made them pretty with robbing the rakau sticks over the concrete to make them smooth. 

Step 4.After all we  trained to play the rakau instrument  in Maori stile.We want to play them for Matariki with the song"E Papa Waiari".

Monday 16 May 2011


For my science fair I am going to build paperplanes and test witch one is the best. We've got a book about and how to build paperplanes.We (Josh and me) want to make every plane in the book to find out witch one is the best.

Monday 14 March 2011


On  15th of March we started to work on wood carved prints.With MDF wood.

<-------- Wood carving
1.We made designs for the theme "Beach" for the wood bloc.I made a shell.

2.We cut out the pieces of wood and made them look pretty.

3. We drew our designs on the piece of wood and started to carve them out.

4. When we were done we had to make holes deeper.

5.Then we took Photos of our work and made a blog.

<--------Bumble bee Shell