Monday 7 March 2011


On Tuesday in March my Class and I began a trip to Sutton Camp.It took 1 hour to drive there by car and we arrived there about 12 pm. After that we packed our day packs for the first cycle trip . We started at 1 o'clock and that trip had off road in it. When we came back we made cooking groups and I was in the group A, we had to cook on the first day and made Mushroom and pasta.On the second day the wind was too hard and thats why we just walked a little bit. On the third day the wind was lower and then we started to ride on our bikes over 20 km to Middlemarch. It was very hard because the hills were high .After that we drove by car to the pool (we done that every day without Friday because we had a long drive to the mine). The mine was fantastic because you could look in the mine and could go into it. After the mine we drove back to the school but first we stopped at a gas Station and we bought some sweets for the drive back ,because we had to drive 1 hour and that is pretty much.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog posts Finn - you have a good mastery of English. I also think that this is a good way to record your time in NZ at Warrington School.
